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E Ink Information Security Policies
To maintain confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility to our information systems. In order for the protection of trading privacy, we are committed to providing a secure information environment, which prevent corporates from unauthorized use, data breaches, tampering, as well as jeopardy of company information and systems. Through holding these high standards, we aim to preserve our competitive edge, earn the trust of our clients, and fulfill our vision of long-term business sustainability.
Information Security Dedicated Unit
In accordance with legal requirements, set up a dedicated department "Information Security Department" to plan information security policies, implementation, risk management and inspection.
Participation of senior Executives
Establish an information security management committee. The information security executive and the same level supervisors hold meetings every six months. The information security management committee meets to review, discuss, and make decisions on information security related policies.
Concerns of the Board of Directors
Every year, the top executive of the information security department reports the effectiveness of information security governance to the Board of Directors.
Personnel Training and Certification
Information Security Education Training and Social Engineering Drills
Import the International Information Security Management System